I asked my followers: What is some advice you would give new moms in the Labor and Delivery Room and here are the top …
Thomas Sommer
As a father of 2 wonderful girls, Thomas knows about the benefits and challenges of raising children in the modern world. He wants to share about his way of giving love and care and taking responsability of being good parents.
I asked my followers: What is some advice you would give new moms in the Labor and Delivery Room and here are the top answers FROM MOMS. New socks for pregnant moms launching on http://www.DrSocko.com 2/15 9am PST and we'll have another special surprise!
My Mom said "Do not take a shower for the first month. Your "top half" will be very tender. The shower will feel like flaming jets of fire on there.". She said she screamed. (I never found out, but she wasn't the first new mom in my extended family that it happened to while I was a teenager).
Absolutely take the epidural!!
All good advice except for the blanket advice about an epidural. I've had six children, no pain relief for any of them (all relatively quick deliveries, ranging from four hours to fifteen minutes) and the best advice I have is stay upright, and stay mobile as long as you can. Gravity and (gentle) movement are so helpful. As is water; the one time I got in the bath to labour was magical. Admittedly not everyone delivers as easily as I do, but equally not everyone needs an epidural.
A woman down the hall from my labor room was SWEARING very creatively. Throwing things at everyone, husband and her attending staff. Very enlightening
Ring of fire is not just a song by JC …just saying
Doctors get there for a few minutes and gets a hefty fee!! IMO the nurses should get that fee plus their salary!!!❤😊
I didn’t get epidural’s either time. My Mom couldn’t feel anything to push properly. I wasn’t going to let that happen. It hurts in a way that is SUPPOSED to happen. Women have babies all over the world without epidurals, so did I. Oh, and no hollering !! I was a trouper and that’s a fact.
While I am very glad I got an epidural to help me rest and make the rest of my labor go by much more quickly than it would have otherwise, I almost certainly would not have torn so bad if I hadn’t had it. My nurse basically instructed me to push I hard as I could with each contraction and, because I couldn’t really feel anything down there, I did my job VERY well. So well he came out in under 10 minutes! You wanna know why most babies don’t come out that fast? Because pushing hurts! It’s natural to take it slow because pushing as hard as you possibly can will do damage down there! Recovering from birth was even more painful than labor itself. So next time I will avoid the epidural just to spare me the tearing. It was BAD
Agree with everyybut the epidural…. A natural delivery lets the mother move freely and position herself, so in ny experience,so usually it goes faster. She has more control.
I’m glad you talked about this because a lot of expectant moms don’t get oriented what they’re about to experience especially how hard the recovery is.
Women always make such a big deal out of this,
My mum just like had us. They kept trying to get her to do a birth plan but her birth plan was to have the baby. Then she kinda just did. To be fair she was born with some kinda problem when it comes to feeling pain and said having a baby hurt like hell but she didn’t feel the need to yell or scream. The doctors were apparently shook when she just came in wordlessly had the baby then tried to leave.
Never had the ring of fire, but oooh man, transition was a beeeeeach. I've never yelled so loud or so often in my life.
I would strongly encourage Manas not to take the epidural until hitting 6cm. Movement is the best way to get everything into the best position and reduce tearing, but the epidural confines the mom to the bed.
Even tho my mom didn’t go into labor, what he said in the beginning is true, my mom’s first pregnancy was quadruplets so she never went into labor because of how she was cut open for the first pregnancy, and for the first pregnancy she wasent able to go into labor cuz we had to be early and it had to be an emergency C-section cuz they couldn’t find one of my brothers and my mom was bleeding, in order of the quads it was Collin, me, Tyler, then Owen, we were born at 5 something am, and cuz of how my mom was cut open my 2 younger sisters had to be C-sections too and had to be born early so my mom wouldn’t go into labor cuz she could bleed out or something, the only one that was a scheduled C-section was my first younger sister cuz my mom didn’t even know she was pregnant until she was 6 months pregnant so it was a regular C-section and my first younger sister was the only one able to go automatically home cuz she was full-term just a few days early just because my mom can’t have them born on their due date and has to be early, but my youngest sister was an emergency C-section cuz she had a stroke while she was inside my mom so she had to be born, and luckily they did cuz the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck which could’ve caused the stroke which the stroke caused her cerbal palsy which specifically effects her left arm, what’s interesting is that at first we had her shots be put in her left arm cuz we thought that since her left arm is her “helping hand” that the shot would hurt less, nope, it’s the exact opposite since she doesn’t move her left arm much, a shot on that arm hurts more and takes longer to heal because of the fact that she barely moves it and that a shot hurts less once you move it more so she needs shots on her write arm, that suprised me tbh cuz I thought it would be the opposite
You got this bitch broke me hahahahahaha
Stoooop this shit!! Ring of Fire is brief and not worth an epidural!! First poop can be totally fine!! I Had two Natural births and my only complaint is the afterpains. Otherwise great experience and no issues whatsoever. (Homebirth First, birthcenter second time)
My wife tells of how after she gave birth they told her the next time she pees not to flush, which i guess woulda been fine and dandy until she wanders into the bathroom after another patient and sees her unflushed product… She says it was pretty icky lol
I wish someone had told me this. It would have made it easier.
My plan was to have an epidural, but once the baby got with the plan, everything moved too fast.
The doctor will be the LAST person to arrive at the Delivery Room. Yes! Literally!!
Every birth is different from the other. I had 4 without pain meds. I wish they had offered me an epidural. It was the 80's, natural births were pushed on everyone.
I had a birth plan for my son. No drugs or gas and air; I was going to do it all with hypnobirthing (self-hypnoss for pain control) and a TENS machine. 18 hours later, and not even at 1cm dilated, even after having my waters broken for me by a midwife, I instinctively knew something wasn't right, and reasoned to myself that, if this was going to go to a caesaran (which I somehow was sure it would) I might as well have the epidural now, because having the spinal needle put in while I was still relatively calm would make it easier for them when it came to the surgery than when I was much further along and possibly writhing around in pain. It meant my entire birthing plan went out the window, but it was the best call I could've made, and I don't regret it for a second.
After 8 non-epidural deliveries (4 in hospital, 4 in home) I would say : get a midwife, and a doula and deliver at home if at all possible. My delivery with almost no pain was the baby I caught myself with only my hubby in the room at home. Easiest recovery too. After birth have a "babymoon"….stay in bed with baby, get your meals etc brought to you. Don't do any housework. Read books, sleep, eat, cuddle your baby, do light pelvic floor exercises, sleep some more. Be gentle with your self. Lots of fresh fruit will make that first poop a breeze. And don't forget the warm water in the peri bottle. And warm soaks in the tub. Now is the time to let everyone pamper you. If visitors want to see baby, have your hubby insist they bring a meal or help with cleaning, other children etc. Happy babymoon!
As a L&D nurse, BIRTH PLANS are a JINX to your birth DREAMS…. 💯 Wanna have a uber dramatic birth not in a good way?? Come in with a BIRTH PLAN…👍🏼
When I had my daughter (second baby) it went super fast (no time for epidural, which sucked). Doctor poked his head in my room "Hey I'm the doctor, just walking by wanted to introduce myself"'' Nurse goes "Get in here we're having a baby" Doctor: "Do I have time to wash my hands?" Nurse: "Do it quickly". Doctor washed his hands, walked over just in time to catch the baby and it was over like 3 seconds later.
My first was born 45 years ago. What I remember the most was not being told about the afterbirth. I just assumed everything came out at once. Shocked the hell out of me. I hope they teach about that now.
I only had my first in the hospital and that was back in 1977. I am very near sighted but they wouldn't let me wear my glasses into the delivery room. The doctor was telling me to push, push but they had numbed me from the armpits down and I really couldn't feel anything and said, "I am pushing!". He said, "No you're not, here, I'll move over a little and you can watch in the mirror. When you see your babies head, push as hard as you can.". I had to tell him, "Sorry, I can't see any mirror, they wouldn't let me wear my glasses.". Lol! He made a nurse go get them for me but it didn't help. They ended up using forceps and literally having three nurses pushing on my stomach. Fortunately everything turned out okay in the long run.😊
I had both my babies in Norway, where the standard medical teaching is that it takes an average of six weeks to heal from an uncomplicated vaginal birth. If you had complications, add more time. If you had a C section, that's major abdominal surgery! And those first six weeks are also when the baby needs the most care, day and night. So call in all the favors you can and remember that Priority #1 is to keep the baby alive, and Priority #2 is to heal your body, and everything else just has to make do with whatever time and energy (if any) you have left.
Respectfully, I have actually given birth and am about to do it again and I take issue with some of your points as a man who has never/will never experience it 😂
The ring of fire was very shocking and uncomfortable but for me contractions hurt the most. The ring of fire made me realize I was almost done and I was so glad to be at that point. Also, I liked the feeling of him coming out – it felt like a blob of jello at the end and was a rewarding feeling!
I did it unmedicated and plan to do that again. It’s nice to not be hooked up to an IV or catheter or epidural and have the ability to walk around and get in and out of the shower or bath.
I had midwives and it was fantastic. They told me to eat. Hospital policies not allowing birthing people to eat is not evidence based anymore and can stall labor. We need energy to keep going.
A birth plan is not a “plan of action” it’s a list of things you agree to and helps you let your care team know. Skin to skin, breastfeeding right after birth if possible, not wanting an episiotomy, declining pain meds, etc. are things that my midwives asked me to let them know about. A lot of people don’t know hospital policies but also don’t know they have the right to decline certain things.
I actually felt great after my son was born because of all the endorphins and not having an epidural or catheter etc. made it feel less like a medical event honestly. Everyone’s experience is totally different!!
As a 13 year old girl, I have no idea why I’m walking all these birthing videos 💀 Like I’m not gonna remember this shit in a decade from now
That's awful that they leave them alone! I think hospitals are horrible and midwives had the right idea
A truck? Try a derailed bullet train!!!!
Epidural are gr8, except when the give u an episiotomy before it takes effect! I only SCREAMED one word! GUESS WHICH ONE!!!!
thanks for the tip
* whispers* Take the damn epidural
I like this guy. Spot on and funny.
"The first poop after delivery is scary af"
So true!!! 😂😂 Birth is traumatizing! I ended up having a c-section following 4 hours of pushing sans epidural (I honestly just didn't want it!!), so I had the experience (and swelling) of trying to push a baby out then having the recovery of a c-section. When I finally had to use the bathroom, it felt too much like labor and I just sat there quietly panicking!
I never took epidural and never really had pain. Felt like someone was tickling me and poking my sides really. No pain and no shots or epidural
I'm glad I'm not a mom because it seems like no matter what you do: it's wrong. I know a lot of women who opted for home birth, and it's a fine option for many.
Damn good video. Women should know what they're getting into. It's a painful and draining process, and the feeling of exhaustion can last a while afterwards. Never mind the hormones. Can you do one about things like babies not breastfeeding, or common issues right after birth? So many ladies feel like failures because they can't get breast feeding to work. Or the baby won't stop crying. But it's totally normal.
When you breastfeed, you will feel contractions similar to birth contractions. It's just your uterus contracting back up
As someone who will NEVER give birth this was the most amazing thing I could have ever seen. Thank you.
No to the mesh undies and elephant pads, and YES TO ADULT DIAPERS!
You will give no cares what yoh look like, or the fact that you're wearing adult diapers, but you WILL love the fact that those suckers fit snugly on your postpartum weirdness of a body, they don't slip down, because you will get blood up into your butt crack, they don't leak, they don't shift around to where they're down hour pant or gown leg, giving you a butt amd vag wedgie, or slippin' and slidin' up the front or out of the back of those useless mesh underpants, and they don't stick to your flesh and/or pubes.
It's all about the adult diapers. I didnt know about them for my first, but darn sure used them on all the others.
Take the epidural, mom of 6 here, truth.
Ice in the max pad was a comfort I never knew existed. Yes, take the epidural!!
I literally went through it all last night. And yes I heard a woman screaming
And I didn’t wanna look at at the mirror so I kept asking my husband if the head was out yet 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣