In this video you’ll learn 7 key tips to make caring for a newborn baby so much easier. These are really simple but most new …
Thomas Sommer
As a father of 2 wonderful girls, Thomas knows about the benefits and challenges of raising children in the modern world. He wants to share about his way of giving love and care and taking responsability of being good parents.
Thank you for the video. At what point is a walker ok?
People told me with my first one that babies don't even hear much for the first month and don't care about sounds or light. My 😢 so too, so he kept interrupting her sleep without doing the research. She slept poorly and was cranky for MONTHS. Eventually, I had enough and basically cut out any person out of my life who didn't want to do what I told that research showed. If they aren't willing to learn about babies, they shouldn't be forcing their "well-meaning advice" on me.
BTW: being interrupted in the sleep prevents proper brain development, can result in frequent nightmares, which is associated with a 6.5 times increase in risk for developing dementia later in life.
You've said on multiple occasions that babies can't put their hands in their mouth. Meanwhile my baby has been doing that since day one. Do you just have a really specific meaning in mind when you say it?
another great video thanks emma I recomend you and share you're videos with all my new mums
Ah yes, purple crying, also known as the "witching hour"
I've lost count of how many times I was told to put baby to sleep in a bright and loud environment.
When I brought my son to his grandparents people made sure to be as loud as they could. I could literally see my son begging to be put to sleep, his brain was completely offline staring at the distance and people thought "oh he's so alert!" when in fact he was overtired.
Result? My baby was awake for like 7 hours straight. The most he managed to sleep were 2 naps of 20 minutes at most. We were both miserable at the end of the day. I felt awful.
After he woke up to feed during that night he kept waking up every 1 hour only to suckle for little more than 5 minutes. He was so tired he couldn't keep himself awake for long enough to feel satiated.
I'm never letting this happen again. And neither should you.
“Well meaning parents” are the true real danger to society.
Yup. A dark room and white noise were game changers for us when it came to sleep. Spent months miserable trying to follow people's advice and have naps with daylight and it took a sleep consultant to tell me to try the opposite. Life savior.
Your videos help me a lot thank you
Everybody tells me when my 1 month old sucks her hands, she is very hungry!
Helpful. Thank you.
Thank you so much for this video
My baby is one month old and she sleeps only on me for like hour ,and if i put her down she is like 20mins and up.. 🙈 how to stop that?
Oh my goodness, you’re a lifesaver! Thank you for your tips and informative videos. I’ve been trying to figure out why our baby has been crying so much and for no apparent reason. When you mentioned the purple crying period it made me realize that that might be what’s going on. I then watched your video on the witching hour. Thank you!!!
You are amazing. So helpful. Thank you
I'm so thankful I'm going to have all these videos to help me as I have my first child soon!
Could purple crying be earlier than 2 weeks
Thanks for this valuable info. WhAt is your take on baby swings or bouncer
Is it an issue if your baby doesn't do purple crying? He cries more often for attention these days but settles if you pick him up. The rest of the time it's for hunger
Your videos are just perfect