Hi guys, I’m sharing my top hacks and strategies for being productive as a working mom! Plan your day with me! Watch the video …
Thomas Sommer
As a father of 2 wonderful girls, Thomas knows about the benefits and challenges of raising children in the modern world. He wants to share about his way of giving love and care and taking responsability of being good parents.
Thank you thank you thank you. I am struggling between work and kids/husband and home. It gets me really bummed out, I feel completely exhausted and overworked a lot. I really appreciate this video.
I Color code my planner too! Green is anything with the kids school. Yellow is places we're going to. Green is my appointments. Pink is kids appointments. This has helped so much to keep me on track.
Omggg. Thank you so much. Every other channel I watch took 6 to 10 minutes to get to the point Thank for the tips, for capturing my entire attention and sharing everything your caption says. ❤
Thanks for sharing mama! Love all the tips
Wow! I think I saw this video at the exact moment I needed to! I can't say how helpful this was, I appreciate it so much!! *Done is better than perfect* 🥰🥰🥰
Thank you. Ur so beautiful, girl!
Very nice video
Love the suggestions. I love stickers. I am old school and prefer an actual hand held planner…….. I have had a Franklin covey planner since the early 80s… now I am dating myself. Really great suggestions on the 4 quads. I think of great ideas in the middle of the night, so I like the “heh Siri or Heh Alexa…. Thank you for all the suggestions.
These productivity hacks are just what I needed! 💫 Keep rising to be who you want to be! 💫 #keeprising #risingtobe #aswerise #riser #irise
Great tips, I like the timer idea for the phone
Great tips! I love the idea of keeping notebooks around the house so I don’t have to hold ideas in my head where they are bound to fall out. 😂