These pregnancy tips for dads are designed to reduce your stress level and let you know that what you are feeling is totally normal …
Thomas Sommer
As a father of 2 wonderful girls, Thomas knows about the benefits and challenges of raising children in the modern world. He wants to share about his way of giving love and care and taking responsability of being good parents.
Hey Guys, hope you enjoyed the pregnancy tips. If are ready to become the best version of yourself as a father check out our Dad University Membership. The cost is Pay What Feels Good.
Thank you so very much!!! Our baby is due May 13th. ⭐️⭐️⭐️💜💜💜💜
holy F. Delivering a baby costs 5000 dolla?…thats crazy!!
Im 29 weeks pregnant and would do anything for the dad to be supportive in ANY way. We are together yet I'm paying all the bills and still the only one cooking/cleaning. He's buying bullets for guns instead of anything for the baby. 😮💨
Were expecting February 14 valentines 2025
Thank you so much for this video I’m a young father and you help a lot with the stress and me wondering in my head.
Just found out last week that I’m gonna be a dad. Time to enroll in Dad University
Pray for me yall im about to have a little girl !!!
How old are you Jason 😢man…
Why your face looks a little bit old.. nevermind.
coz life begin at 40 guys😹
I'm first time father she has three kids in her previous relationships but I'm super excited to be called Dad.
I'm proud of her and proud of my kid yet I don't know the gender.
We're 27wks.
Kindly pray for us.
Oh god we just got
Three positive tests. Wish us luck guys
expecting 4/2025, thanks for the video!
This helped a lot , thank you
why are you yelling at me!
Hey can you help me with more things to say:
The awww that is horrible, sad to to hear that your experience this” is gold is there more I can say.
I’m messing up on the SHOWING/ expressing empathy.
I like this guy! Due in 6 weeks
Congratulations to all my fellow fathers. Thank you guys @Daduniversity you guys have made me so excited for my new chapter in parenthood and I’m so stoked! 💪
I’m going through this currently and it is the hardest experience I ever went through my 22 years of living
Pauline looks like she’s 7 months pregnant
Im 24 and just found out I’ll become a dad. Videos like this will help me very much.
Consider making more $$, geez never thought of that
I’m not nervous I’m more excited than her than anything lol
hi I am a new father but the child is not mine, any tips on that
My partner told me that he's not the one that is pregnant so I must do what I have to do for the baby.
I will be breaking up with him.
He has treated me so badly and it's my first child. I do not think I will ever be able to forget the way he treats me or forgive him.
I’m more nervous about when she goes in labor and I’m in the room while she is in pain what do I do I don’t know what to do 😅
This channel is the best! Makes you realize that in the end, It is a natural process that every father has to go through… Jason, if you are reading, just want to thank you once again.
November December
AMA be a dad this Friday , feel confident and nervous at the same time 😭
Im 36 and I'm having my first born so I'm excited af but yet nervous curious etc all at the same time
These tips are very helpful as my baby will be born soon. I intensively like his advice on focusing on emotional stuff instead of physical ones
I really appreciate it.
My wife is over 3 months prego, now I’m on the journey of learning how to become a good father. This first trimester has been rough for her, nausea and throwing up etc. We’re still in the process of finding out the name, though we know it’ll be a boy. : )
I'm expecting in November for my child to be born this was really helpful
Aloha! My wife & I are due June 21st, buuuuuut I have a funny feeling that it’ll be sooner. Just recently stumbled across this page trying to get some homework in. What a rollercoaster of emotions. Excited and terrified all at once.
9:46 A typo for #7 😂😂😂
Dec 30th!
December 2024 I'll be a dad for the first time.
How do I make my husband to watch this video 🤣
Yeah… Nice try, but "morning" sickness is alllll day.
i’m 28 years & in bout to have my first child… i found out just last night she’s 7 weeks .. When i say i was shocked… i always wanted a baby but when it happened i was like oh wow.. like my mind was processing it all
Hey my name is Dennis and march 30th 2024 was a wild day we got In a bad wreck thought I lost my girlfriend but thankfully we made it found out she was pregnant with my first child been crying every since so happy to be able to start my new life journey with my girl and lil one ❤
When you talked about the getting involved part it really hit home for me. Me & my partner found out about our little one at the end of January & within that same month we also moved in together. It’s been a lot but also great for the most part.
She expressed to me today how overwhelmed she’s felt because I haven’t been as involved as she’d like in the planning around the pregnancy. I thought I was doing great with being involved but listening to my partner express how’s she’s been seeing / experiencing it was a totally eye opening experience. Thank you for videos like this I really appreciate it ❤ 10/08/24 ❤