Looking to support a healthy pregnancy? On this week’s episode of The Sitch, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and new mom, …
Thomas Sommer
As a father of 2 wonderful girls, Thomas knows about the benefits and challenges of raising children in the modern world. He wants to share about his way of giving love and care and taking responsability of being good parents.
eat meat, organs eggs and raw milk
Just found out i was pregnant this morning 😅 this sis super helpful! First time mom to be and I'm a nervous wreck
“71 gRaMs Of PrOtEiN pEr DaY” what if my wife is 6’2” and muscular? Still need 71 grams a day?
I’m so confused about if I should take a pre natal vitamin with healthy food or just eat a lot of healthy food.
im a couple weeks pregnant & the thought of certain food makes me literally vomit, especially almonds. i found lemon balm & ginger candy helps with the nausea.🤍
Hi dear,
After 3 months I'm planning to get pregnant. I heard folate is good than folic acid. But we both don't have any idea to choose the best prenatal vitamins. Could you please suggest the best one for us?
My first pregnancy I was taking my prenatal pills but then I stopped I was drinking a lot of water but then I stopped and started drinking soda and then I ended up becoming anemic and blacked out twice in the shower it's a good thing my boyfriend caught me and I didn't fall on the floor so now I'm on my 2 pregnancy and I'm trying to eat better
I’m in my first trimester and I can barely eat at all 🙁 I’m so worried about my baby she makes me so nauseous that I can’t even look at food. My mom forces me to eat and it sucks because I cry because I can’t stand the smell or the taste of food.
Thank you!!!
I’m so worried right now… I’m in the first trimester and entering the second… I throw up a lot I never feel like eating and I struggle finding anything I can stomach. I really want to feed the fetus well for a healthy baby 🙁
I'm 15 weeks pregnant and no one believes me cause I'm so small. I have no appetite because I've always done intermittent fasting and get full really fast. My husband wants me to eat more but he is also into bodybuilding and can't eat alot because of fasting. We are trying to add more meals but it's been really hard to force my self to eat throughout the day. It's stressful I hope I can get my intake up.
Each tip is super well explained and I love that the introduction backs up the need to eat healthily with research. Thank you.
i hope theres a charts of daily meal
Best Health related tips for pregnant ladies https://youtu.be/vXQRjgbSJsg
Hi, if I go the website for prenatal vitamin which you have given bellow in your post, I couldn’t find any options for first, second or third trimester prenatal. All the options are for general prenatal vitamins. Can you please let me know from where I can buy those trimester ones prenatal vitamins!
Also, can I change my prenatal which I am taking with the one you suggested?
Thanks 😊
Talking to a Japanese friend, sushi is completely fine as long as you eat fish thats low in mercury, salmon (shashimi) has little to no mercury so its okee dokee. In Japan, pregnant women eat sushi on a daily basis and there has never been any pregnancy complications connected to sushi. Its just "taboo" in America and Canada.
when any person suggests to eat Tofu and Quinoa as a protein source, all trust is lost
Does Okibetonic Secrets really help to lost lots of fat? I've learn many good things about this popular lose weight diet plan.
Good luck! I’ve had so many issues over my pregnancies with getting diagnosed. It’s so stressful that so many doctors don’t take it as seriously!
I'm in my first trimester, I'm always hungry but at the same time have 0 appetite. I'm having a hard time with my food intake because the thought of food makes me sick.
I was taking fat loss pills and almost seriously harmed my health. Now I realise that diet is not pills and teas, but structured plan full of nutritionally rich foods. Visit Agoge Diet and get a real diet, stop taking fuc*ing pills.
Website called Agoge Diet is the best for your body transformation. I lost 20kg by following their diet plan (I also had cheat meals) and training plan.