Join me as I guide you through crucial aspects of conceiving in your late thirties and beyond. In this video, we cover age and …
Thomas Sommer
As a father of 2 wonderful girls, Thomas knows about the benefits and challenges of raising children in the modern world. He wants to share about his way of giving love and care and taking responsability of being good parents.
I’m here to say. IVF can be dangerous. Learn the side effects and don’t listen to the know nothing ivf doctors.
Hi Dr Lola please help me where and which clinic I can go to be sure got pregnant I’m 47 yrs old as my second marriage. Thks 🙏🙏🙏😭
Doctor need your help, I am 45 trying to conceive for the last 6 years, please advise, can I have contact mail
My mom had 3 children with just one ovary.
I’m 37, single but hopeful for husband/children. 😢. I’ve never been on any birth control.
Thank you for sharing 🎉
Please god I have a healthy baby.🐥 🙏🍼
I m 43 year 8 years of marriage got concived in 2021 after tat this got surgery of fibroid and septum in overy at 27 may 2024
Stress management
What about if u reach thirty six and ty off is it Possible for you to get pregnant
In 2020 I had my one and only at 42. My partner is really wanting another baby, I'm doing light exercises, acupuncture, Chinese herbs, sleeping at least 6 hours a night , taking herbal teas like roobiios tea. I'm 46 now and whenever we try and conceive I get my period. I feel like I'm going into peri- menopause and when I mention that my partner is getting mad at me. I'm trying very hard to make him happy. But it's just not happening. We can't afford IVF and he doesn't want to adopt. Honestly I'm fine with just one. I just turned 46 and my energy is getting low. I love my partner but he's pressuring me so much. He doesn't want to just make love he only wants to have sex when I'm ovulating and the sex is terrible it only lasts literally three minutes. I'm so depressed.
I m coming 41 not pregnantthen is a coming 50 years old my husband age because my husband there is a low sperm count.I want to have their own children and family.
I too have strong desire to have a daughter now I am 37 years old
My husband and I are trying to have our first baby at 38 years old and hopefully it will work
How do you get pregnant with Adenomosis
Its dangerous after 40 cause the kid could be retarded.
😢 i no longer have period after my ovarian surgery, my right ovary out, my womb perfect.
One year 8 months now.
Lord Jesus help me in your mercy.
Children of God pray for me to the Lord our God.
This was a great video, and you explained everything very clearly. I wished i had started getting checked sooner after TTC, unfortunately waited a yr to do it and now am closer being 46. Am praying my husband and are able to have a baby🙏
I'm praying for a baby girl Amen 🙏🏽
am 46 years old and regular period, my last period is on August 1 2024 but until now September 22 2024 no period I do pregnancy test but negative results. Pregnant or not
I am 42 years now..not having a baby for 16 years…can I have only1❤
I so appreciate her real talk and optimism even knowing how hard it is. Since trying for my second, i have had 4 pregnancy losses. I just did my first round of IVF and have one healthy genetically normal embryo. I really hope this works, I talk to my doctor today for FET information.
I also 42 n i want to baby but i think God not want to same so im just trying n trying 😢
I’ll be 40 in a few months and we’ve been wanting to add one more (we only have one, which I gave birth to at 37). But I’m stuck between “do I do this now?” Or “do I work on my health first?” Because I’m seriously in the worst shape of my life and heartbroken that I let myself get to this point. I just don’t know what to do. I already have a lower egg supply for my age than what I should have.
I am 49 and 54 days late period. I try to take PT and blood test serum but rhe result is still negative. We are trying to conceived we don't know what to do? Help us
I was pregnant when my age 39 I lost then again I get at age 44 again I lost ectopic pregnancy last December happen.. Now I don't have chance 😢
I turned 40 a few months ago and have 3 kids. My husband and I are thinking of having one more, but of course age is my main concern. I was taught that after 25 I was basically "too old" 😒
I'm 43 and Ive been trying to get pregnact is it possible for me
We're almost 2yrs trying to have a baby, but still not. I almost want to give up. Im 34yo and hard to get pregnant, my menstruation is normal, i eat healthy and sleep well and still nothing.
I wish you were my Dr. My Dr. told me to not get pregnant. Now I’m trying with my boyfriend. Oh I’m 47 so we did have the talk. He and I want a baby. I have a daughter. He has three teens but we want a baby together.
My mother had me at 45 and I am currently 42
My chromosome test was normal and I'm 43 so I'm not understanding why I can't get pregnant
Im 39 and 13 weeks pregnant 4th baby and fourth c-section and with one tube i had one tube removed due to ectopic so yes u can get pregnant at any age without ivf i was natural it just happened thank u god..hope for the best for moms to be and the moms who are trying if god is willing it will happen❤❤❤
Doc what type of food aml supposed to eat for me to get pregnant?