What do you need to know when you bring your new baby home from the hospital? This week we cover the big things: how often …
Thomas Sommer
As a father of 2 wonderful girls, Thomas knows about the benefits and challenges of raising children in the modern world. He wants to share about his way of giving love and care and taking responsability of being good parents.
Very informative, but his use of "um" is highly distracting.
ok Ty for the tips because my mom is pregnant with a boy (I think because we had an ultrasound appointment and it looked like she’s having a Boy but she made an another appointment for double checking) but still it’s prob a boy because I saw a pen-is so Ty for the tips ❤ (btw I’m 10 and the due date for the baby is 2025 February 17th)
It's not realistic that everyone in the family will have the tdap vaccine so what do we do in that case?
22 year old about to be mom this helps a lot! Also super interested in becoming a PA working in peds so good from both standpoints thanks!
Would sterilizing the baby bottles work instead of boiling them for 5 min? I have a bottle sterilizer and was thinking I could run them through the sterilizer before being used
Circumsition is barbaric, it should be BANNED
Promote how important is maternity leave for mothers in America , don’t expect every single mom to be stay at home mom having all the time in the world. That’s important too in the world of mothers and children. There’s nothing better to have 1 to 2 years of mother and child time.
How in the world would a car seat expire? Considering no wear and tear on the straps etc
I am currently 27 weeks pregnant and have just been stressing out about it since this will be my first pregnancy. This honestly helped me calm down a bit. I really appreciate this video🖤
So diaper doesn't cover the umbilical cord, however what about when you put clothes on the baby, the clothes will cover their belly button so is that fine?
I’m having my first baby in a couple of months and this helped me so much
I have a child by adopting him, his name is Anderson, He is a doll
Thank you so much for making these videos! It really helps to have a credible source of information online. Also very comforting to know that as a new parent, you aren't going to have all the answers right away. 🙂
I know my baby fever is bad when I’m watching videos like this 😭 24 no kids but my hormones are raging for a baby
This was great research for my book! Also, my mom was told by the hospital to feed me every hour (all day and night long) for the first two months, luckily she didnt after telling my grandma about this and realizing it was wrong, but why would the hospital recommend this? Does anybody have any ideas? I was average weight for my size btw. I only started being underweight as a toddler.
Safe sleep isn’t really to have baby on their backs. Don’t forget about the fact that babies spit up a lot, and having them on their backs isn’t the safest way for them to sleep. Place them on their side. I’ve done this with our five babies and not only is it safer, they also sleep better in this position.
Giving Amy and Sheldon fun with flags
4 months until she's here I can't wait 🎉
Yall are amazing. Love yall. Have you written any books??
Great info and so well presented without all the drama. Thanks so much!!
I’m a postpartum doula and NCS and with you is a plus, I’ve learned more and videos are interactive, thank you!
Wow imagine having a pediatrician as a husband gold mine!!
Thank you soo much for this video! I unfortunately lost my mother 4 years ago and this is my first experience as a parent. I'm excited but also very nervous cause I literally feel as if I don't know anything. Thank you for reassuring us that its okay and theres alot of space for us mom-to-be(s) to learn and grow. ❤ Wishing you a safe pregnancy journey too!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THESE VIDEOS. The professional information is reassuring, instead of hearing it from the opinion/beliefs of a blogger(although im sure they have good knowledge/tips too).
Does poop affect babies vagina?
Don't cut off the woman doctor at the end of the sentence. It makes you seem uneducated regardless of academic degrees and post professional training.
😂congrats i have 4 more days to take a pregnancy test😂
I'm really confused that you need a car seat for you and your baby to leave the hospital. Can't you bring it home in a stroller if you live down the street? Wouldn't that be easier than lugging the baby home in a car seat? That sounds extremely tiring.
wait, what– every 5 years you need a pertussis booster?? I'm several decades old and I can't remember the last time I got a shot for anything other than a flu shot. I've never been told I need TDAP boosters….???
Trying to become the best auntie. Wish me luck!!
My baby's bassinet matress is no more than 2 inches if not less in thickness- is this safe ???
I am so thankful for this information 🥺🥹 thank you so much to both of you!
As a first time dad (girl dad). This video gave me a lot of information. So glad I found it!
why do you keep looking at your wife every 5 seconds you speak. makes it difficult to concentrate with so much movement
Sarah may i ask if you got flu and covid shots while pregnant? I am pregnant and not sure wether to get those two or not. Thank you!
I cant imagine how anyone can let their baby boy be harmed with circumcision… it makes no sense
I’m 36 weeks pregnant and realizing how much i don’t know about taking care of babies. So, i’ve been reading and watching so much about the first year of a baby’s life. Thanks for this.
Such a useful video! Thanks so much
Thank you so much for all of these tips, definitely good to be able to watch these videos before the baby actually arrives (in my case in roughly months, yey 🙂 as I have a feeling there won't be much time to sit down and put Youtube on once the little one is there..! 😉 Best of luck everyone xxx
New mom to be in 2 day's here. I have a dumb question… will I be able to diet and exercise after birth? Will this impact breastmilk? Should I wait and if so, how long? 😐
Am I the only one who feels super uncomfortable with breastfeeding? I know it's natural and I don't feel uncomfortable seeing someone else do it, I just hate the idea of doing it myself. I do NOT have a kid btw
If I were a newborn and I had the chance to pick my parents, these two would definitely be on the top of that list 😀
I’m not sold on the Covid vaccine and never got one I’m about to have first child. What’s your thought on the Covid vaccines
My baby graduated from the nicu today and I’m terrified! Thank you for the info.
I love your guys’ content and the part at the end about it being OK to let your baby cry for five minutes will actually make a huge difference to my day even though my baby doesn’t cry very much, when she does, I feel like I’m failing and it’s really hard emotionally.
Definitely disappointed in your stance on vaccines, but I still appreciate your channel! On that note, can you provide a list of all of the ingredients in all of the vaccines you are saying are absolutely necessary? Along with that, the information from the CDC website about how toxic and dangerous most of those ingredients are. At least that way the parents watching this can know the dangers of vaccines along with the fact that you recommend them and they can make an informed decision based on the ingredients and not just that two doctors along with others recommend them. Thanks!