A quick newborn baby 101 guide to looking after a newborn. I share how to resolve all the major newborn dilemmas: colic, reflux, …
Thomas Sommer
As a father of 2 wonderful girls, Thomas knows about the benefits and challenges of raising children in the modern world. He wants to share about his way of giving love and care and taking responsability of being good parents.
I hope this video is helpful and for those who follow to see baby izzy, well this is a video packed to brim with his cuteness ما شاء الله🥰
Help I thought that psych2go made a babysitting video-
His eyelashes 😍😍😍
No more child support against men ✊️
Can you list what probiotics you use plz
للقشرة استخدمي زيت الزيتون قبل الاستحمام يساعد على ازالته باقصر وقت
Awesome Video! ✨
I have lots of Newborn Baby tips on my channel & I really enjoyed this video!
Thanks for making this & I just subbed!
What a sweet angel! 👶
You have a very soothing voice. I will have my baby in few weeks!! Can’t wait to hug him. 🥹
Thank you for your video.
My 1 month old hates swaddling so much that she was fighting to remove to the point where milk came out of her mouth and nose almost chocking her. Ill never swaddle her again
I hope you and your family are doing well. Watching this as a refresher course since my first "baby" is almost 2. Second baby will be here next week. 🤞🏻 Thank you for posting this.
Aaah… such cutie pie.
Thank you for sharing your experience and your precious family. Wishing you and all vibrant health, peace & joy!!
Great advice about getting rid of the gas.
Thanks mama! I’m on number 3 but find myself needing a reminder since it’s been 11 years
i’m only 21 and not at all pregnant but here i am
Thank you! I am a first time mom and I’m not that far in but I want to be prepared. Thank you!
Promote how important is maternity leave for mothers in America , don’t expect every single mom to be stay at home mom having all the time in the world. That’s important too in the world of mothers and children. There’s nothing better to have 1 to 2 years of mother and child time.
I have ten weeks to go and I have no clue what to do 😭😱
Please dint use pacifir.its not necessary
Great video!