It’s normal for healthy babies to cry, often for hours at a time. A baby’s cry typically increases around two weeks old and peaks …
Thomas Sommer
As a father of 2 wonderful girls, Thomas knows about the benefits and challenges of raising children in the modern world. He wants to share about his way of giving love and care and taking responsability of being good parents.
someone needs to talk to the American right and alt right,
I have twins and they are in Sync when they cry I swear.
Thank you
Providing stability is also one of the most important things like not reacting or not reacting visibly.
Thank you for your video it made my baby sister stop crying.
Thanks guys for this video, it brings me my confidence back🙈 Cheers from Ukraine🌻
18 12 uur zijn jullie dat huilende baby aan het aftappen zodat ik dat kind op meerdere plekken te gelijkertijd kan horen huilen
het is alsof er 2 baby's tegelijkertijd huilen
18 13 uur zat jij mijn zin af te maken tijdens dat ik aan het typen was
If I have a baby, I will calm her down