Huntington Beach, CA — Schedule an appointment here: In this video, Dr. Aimee …
Thomas Sommer
As a father of 2 wonderful girls, Thomas knows about the benefits and challenges of raising children in the modern world. He wants to share about his way of giving love and care and taking responsability of being good parents.
that's only works with doll, mine like a battle with crocodile
My baby is big its not that convenient to grab her in different positions
Aww thank you for supporting
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The third one make sure they’re not full otherwise they might throw up. For second one do a u position under their chin and have your palm support their chest 🙂
Does this work on preemies?
This looks like a type of nursery. I’m going to see on the news one day..
The only problem is that’s a doll so isn’t wriggling and squirming like the real deal
But How to burp a mommy?
Thank you! I'm going to try the circles. My newborn is tough to burp sometimes and has built up gas in his tummy a couple of this week (he's 9 days old).
Thank you so much!! I was one of those moms not patting in the right area this video has gave me some peace of mind ❤️
Its easy when you have a doll in your hands 🙄🙄
Can I burp my 15 days old daughter second and third way?
U do that to a newborn baby???? The ovr the shoulder ? Hahahahaha amen
When is the right time to burp the baby? Is it okay after they eat? Or wait a bit and do the burp after that?
This is so helpful!
Can this be also applied to babies less than 1 month old?
Thank you, I’m going to try the last two methods. My babe is so hard to burp sometimes
How is the baby sleeping?
Thanks 😉
Robin helpful video
My baby always vomitting right after feeding wat to do
Thank you!!!
What about adults😅
Every one should know how to burp a baby they done it for years even before you were born
Nope it did not work
You are a lifesaver. I just had a baby two days ago and still learning. I couldnt get my new born to burp properly yet, but she did it twice with the over the shoulder method. Thank you again! ❤
So glad you mentioned to tap on shoulder blades and to tap. I’ve seen so many that do it over the low back and it looks like baby is being beaten…lol
Zazakillahu khair 🤍.
Thank you for this! Placing my baby on my knee and doing the circles helped her to burp!
Allerdings finde ich die kreisenden Bewegungen zu schnell.
Some of my tough burgers needed like a circuit before burping. Like I use every position at least once. Sometimes we'd go through and have to do another round or three.
I found each kid has a "sweet spot" where they'd be sure to burp every time. Trick is to find it. And like most expert parents I'll advise just keep trying stuff til something works. One of mine had to be seated on my lap and his torso sorta pumpèd