Mothershould’s Grace Manning-Devlin breaks down some of the hottest baby names of the year, such as Cooper, Tanner, …
Thomas Sommer
As a father of 2 wonderful girls, Thomas knows about the benefits and challenges of raising children in the modern world. He wants to share about his way of giving love and care and taking responsability of being good parents.
The empty frames really complete this skit. 😀
Plant names, like Heather, Hazel, and Sneezewort are always a good option.
Emotions, like Hope, Joy, and Resentment can never go wrong.
Musical terminology also provides a plethora of good names: Melody is a classic (see what I did there). Or why not Subdominant?
Wait! Serf no longer exists?
I mean, names like Cooper, Tanner, or Lavender don’t sound that bad.
Call me conservative, but I’ll stick with the classics such as Chlamydia and Herpes for girls, Rancid and Feral for boys.
talk to me about the way to ride on a doggie and then make a big cake
Great presentation.
That's it. I'm calling my child "Mom Blog"
I unthumbs it so you can experience it
It's true I thumbsed up at 4.7 and it went to 4.8 celebrate it's real!
My beautiful new granddaughter is named Chainsaw Gutsfuck.
i named by kid Momblog
Who ever said Town Hags don't exist anymore? Smh.
My children have names from literature. Fatty Lumpkin, Fatty Bolger, Sméagol, and Elbereth
Town-Hag ftw
One of the first names mentioned in the Bible is Ham, i always thought that was a good one
Why are these MommyShould segments funny? Because they are bat shit crazy?
That is the way real mommy blogs are. It isn't funny.
Town hag
Mom blog
this is just non binary people names
I will name my baby Dum-ho Kim
My son Hard-Onest-Werker is 38 and still lives at home.
My wife kept suggesting Merlot, Shiraz and Pinot Grigio, but she's in a program now. We're going with Bourbon.
Wow, I think that was the first bad and boring Onion video I saw
I had a teacher named Mrs Kachel. When she got pregnant with a girl, we all begged her to call the baby Rachel. She did not, and we were genuinely disappointed.
0:34 I literally know somebody named Ling Chih
was not prepared for milkman
And that's how beautiful little Shant was born
So The Onion approves my decision to name my son Haberdashery and my daughter Shrubbery?
I wish I was named Serf lmao
I'm gonna name my son Nebuhchadnezzar from the Holy Bible! /j
Grace: You can name your baby after types of mushrooms
Me, a goblincore nerd: *furiously taking notes*
Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Humbaba, Utnapishtim for the boys. Ishtar, Siduri, Shamhat for the girls.
What the fuck
so that's why i can't find a shieldmaiden gf, turns out it's no longet exist
“Hi Serf. ”
“Hey Town-hag. ”
This one wasn’t so bad
69 dislikes… nice
“This is my daughter, Psilocybin”
Insert “I am the Milkman, my Milk is delicious” joke here. The first name she suggested was Cooper, too.
I dunno. I think the best names are just a teensy bit descriptive.
You know, like, Tabby for a girl who's a bit orange, or for a boy, Shadow of the Evil Lords of Destruction Who Come To Rend All Flesh! Repent! Repent! While you Still Have a Mind to Repent With!
Or, you know, anything else with multiple exclamation marks.
Okay but why do I kinda wanna be named Dry Rot
I like Lilac, but then all the bees come, and they will inflict great harm or kill me. Lavender still exists. Why did it win over lilac? For me, it doesn't matter.
I've dealt with issues regarding my name my entire life. I was crushed early on, so I just spelled it, "Kayla" so that I could go to recess. My mom would correct it, and I would lose another recess. This led to the start of my awkward questions, "How do I spell my name?" "What is my name?"
My parents named my sister Poo
Just going to say, "Slyme" sounds like a cool name.
1600s Puritan names are and will always be the best.
The most important thing is choosing a name they will be teased for in middle school, but not too much, and then they can stop being teased when they become Sophomores (Maybe Juniors if they're not gifted.) in High School. Giving a girl a name with a boy's name for short like Melanie (Mel) Samantha (Sam) and a short haircut helps fosters rumors that she might be a lesbian, so she's more popular with boys when they grow pubic hair.
Don't name it Aiden or Madison