Check out #babycentercourses for more baby sleep advice and tips.
Thomas Sommer
As a father of 2 wonderful girls, Thomas knows about the benefits and challenges of raising children in the modern world. He wants to share about his way of giving love and care and taking responsability of being good parents.
BABY ❤😊 SUPERB ❤🎉😊🎉❤
I will tell you now.. my twins slept throw the night, never woke up unless i woke them..
Thank god my baby boy rarely kept me awake at night. He used to wake up only when he was hungry n used to fall asleep very easily 😊
I feel privileged, my kids weren't as awake at night as most. They weren't fussy much either.
Idk if I was just super blessed with very amenable babies, but I had them both completely sleep trained by six weeks!
I love the newborn stage. I honestly think it's the easiest. There is nothing I love more than precious baby cuddles. My baby is 6 weeks old, and I'm so sad this phase is almost over.
Aww to 😍
Just let somebody else look after them ‘till their three
Allah sb ko ye time dikhay.. Ameen suma ameen❤
Obrukao vas moj mutav unuk sa 3 prsta. Sva tri je pojeo danas kad je video mamu sa hlebom.
Our newborn never woke daddy up. It was my elbow in his ribs that did it every time. 🙃😇
Best stage ever, yes I’m tired all the time but I get a bunch of little naps in and the infinite loves/cuddles are amazing
They're so gross 🤮
The newborn stage is EASY lol wdym
5 kids and the newborn is the easiest stage.
I just had my baby. Newborn scrunches & little sounds are the cutest & they melt my heart. I've never loved another human like this.
¿You'll get thru it?, I remember not being able to leave a corner of a room or being tied to a chair they use for feeding babies.
I trained my son day from night at 6 weeks old prior to me going back to work so that he could sleep when I slept to not be up all night. He wpuld stay awake in the daytime & take 1 nap while in daycare. He woke up 1 time at night to feed. And he was the best baby I could ask for. ❤
And people want to have kids oh my God please
Look at lil baby ❤😊
Totale agree with #4 😂
I wonder if that's what my parents went through when I was born
with my first newborn,who hardly slept at all the first year, I used to stand by the window at nights with him in my arms(he slept deep and nice when I stood up with him..)and look at the few lights from other windows,and say to myself "that apartment has a sleepless baby, that apartment has a sleepless baby, that.." it soothed me incredibly well thinking every building had some sleepless babies, I wasn't alone with one!
This is why God made them adorable…It's impossible to get angry with them.💜💜💜💜💜💜
That was my favorite stage. I loved when my daughter was a newborn. I miss it so much.
My son is almost a year old now and even though I didn’t get much sleep I still miss it, watching the little scrunchy faces and him trying to smile and figure out what facial expressions were and then watching him look at his hands in awe and wonder, and doing the same with his feet when he could finally lift them high enough to look at, and watching him sleep in was funny cuz of all the expressions he made. It was fun and funny exhausting but fun.
Какие они милые, эти червячки. Так хочется их подержать, понюхать!
9 days old my boy is! And we’re having better feeding times and more sleep in between! It’s still hard and I had my moms help in the beginning! My fingers are crossed I can still find a good sleep pattern for me when baby does go down to sleep ❤
I found it to be a whole lot easier than chasing an 14-month-old around and dealing with the food all over the floors and in their hair, the temper flares, and the sleep issues.
The most important information is this WAIT A FEW SECONDS BEFORE PICKING THE BABY UP!
Most „never sleeping kids“ have been „trained“ to that by their mothers by ripping them put of sleep at every noise they are making!
Newborns and small babies are incredibly noise-making while sleepin.
Wait for real cry before reacting!
Everything else might just unconcoius grunting, sniffing, whimpering – all while content sleeping!
I gotta get a girl preggo I dont even know why im watching this
I miss that stage. Now we have to run around the house to catch him 😂 may god protect all children
3. I was very good at not picking up my LO right away..but the grandmas uneducated self would pick up baby right after every little noise or movement. So frustrating
They sleep better in the dark! Tried using the halo sleep light and it didn't help