Frugal living is a huge part of this channel. Today I’m reading another frugal living tips from an article I found with a focus on single …
Thomas Sommer
As a father of 2 wonderful girls, Thomas knows about the benefits and challenges of raising children in the modern world. He wants to share about his way of giving love and care and taking responsability of being good parents.
I appreciate all the tips, except for encouraging my teens to work. The last thing I want is for them to need to come out here to search frugal living videos, like we’re doing right now. School and sport are top priority. Us single parents need to wing it. I can’t imagine sending my teens out to work as long as they’re giving their all to school as they should
As a divorced single mom, when my son was little, we had a “date night” every Tuesday. I picked Tuesday’s because Baskin-Robbins had $1 scoops, the movie theater was heavily discounted or we picked a DVD at Red Box. It was such a fun time for both of us. He’s now 21, and we still talk about that time in our lives. It was simple, inexpensive, but made him feel so special. I was always strapped for cash, but my son continues to tell me he had an amazing childhood. There’s no great compliment than that!! As you always say, and I totally agree with, it’s not what you spend on them, it’s the time you spend with them that matters.
Grocery shopping only once week.
For the shaving tip, I take an Epsom salt bath once or twice a week. Lavender scent, candles, the whole nine yard. I shave then 😅
Ha no… I use the towel for one week too but it’s a debate with people I know haha 😆 same with jeans or clothes I wear for an hour… like my church clothes… why would I wash them when I just went down the street .. sat for an hour and came back?? No lol 😆
I also change my towels once a week
I still like to buy new good quality clothes- BUT. I buy alot less……people have way to many clothes in general. I am working on selling and getting rid of the excess
I like the idea of teaching children (& knowing ourselves) portion control. I'm big on turning the lights out & always feel a pull because I leave a small lamp next to my bed on when I go shower because it's dark outside & I don't want to find the switch again when I exit the bathroom. & Yes to Cheap, Whole-Food Meals! Beans & Rice, Pancakes, or many Breakfast for Dinner Evenings. Oh & Pasta with Veggies & Tomato Sauce! & Although my parents took me on many Grand Vacations my whole life- Disney & Theme Parks twice a Year, Long Weekends in other States etc, I remember so much the MANY free things like flying a kite, bicycling at the Park, Picnics, Gardening Together, & Movie Night!
I was a "single mom" for DECADES, first as a widow, then after a brief second marriage and another kid, as a divorcee. My money-saving tip? Do not give your kids an allowance!!! My parents could have afforded to give us kids one, but they didn't, so I never felt compelled to give one to my kids. They can EARN money through some of the more difficult chores (but I expected them to do most chores "for free," just because that is how families operate) or by doing chores for others, but I never just handed over money to them for breathing! Also–and this is HUGE savings–they were responsible for their own college costs. So they needed to get the grades for scholarships, plus our income was so low that they were also eligible for many need-based grants. I helped out with food costs, but tuition and books were on them. They knew this from the get-go; I wouldn't suggest springing this on them their senior year of high school!
#16. unless you're doing very physical or dirty work (such as a mechanic), one really does not need a shower every day. That saves A LOT of water!
I shower every other day/wash my hair then even if I do jump in the shower every day because I've sweat a ton. Sometimes pushing washing my hair to every 3 days. Honestly I think my skin/hair is healthier and i save product/time
The whole thing you were talking about with gifting, my cousin's really need to learn this because they think you're only as good as the last gift you give them and that's not the case you shouldn't have to buy them anything to be worth something to them and they don't get that. And they forget all the expensive stuff you bought after a while anyway it's like what have you done for me lately.
Hi Kate, love your videos! I notice the JOIN button above. What are the benefits to joining your youtube? This is new to me. thank you so much, Tracy (Dukes Mom lol)
I am glad you included single dads. Most people forget and neglect them.
Tip # 86 for saving your money; raise the deductible on your car and home owners insurance to pay less in premiums.
Concept of leftovers is so interesting to me. Coming from post-soviet country (Estonia, Europe) we consider it food. Just normal food to be eaten next time or another day when you're hungry. 🙂
I've been a single dad for many years. Whatever body wash soap my daughter stops using, I finish it. I can go to work smelling like peaches and that's fine with me. Whatever food she doesn't finish becomes my lunch for work. I am blessed I was raised enjoying leftovers. Leftovers keep me alive.
I always shower at night. As I have a silk pillow case, even if I wash my hair at night, I don't wake up with a birds nest!
Great tips I no longer have kids at home but I do have grandkids that come to stay most of the toys come from yard sale
Re. growing vegetables: the initial investment (both time and money) is relatively high: remember, it's a patience game; remember to check what works, and when, in your local weather pattern, or lose all your work; start small, see how much you actually do use; hardy goes best (potatoes, radishes, carrots, squashes…).
My boys didn’t like movies either. They are now young men and still don’t.
Okay toilet paper story. I had a subscribe and save for 24 rolls every other month. We were so busy and the lovely lady who cleans my house would open boxes and disperse the goods. I realized I had too much, so canceled the order. The Rolls lived on for nearly three years. It’s weird to be buying it again. 😂😂😂
Long time commenting but I have been watching you and putting my thumbs up 👍 girl your looking good ☺️ thanks for the great tips xxxx
We use our towels three times, then wash them.
I was a single parent for 13 years, then I married and had 2 more kids. I can tell you, regardless of if you are single or not- having a lot of stuff, and toys is stressful and is money that could be saved. If people ask now about what to give my kids, I say very politely- gift cards that will provide them with an experience. Have a wonderful day Kate!💞
I'm not a single parent but I like to save in general. Thank you Kate. 🇮🇹🍀🌺
Yes I wash towels once a week. I come out of the shower clean :-).
My moms frugil tip:
Only use the car to do things on work days
Have son be incharge of house budget because he lives numbers. ( I do love numbers, soread sheets thrill me)
Have a son whos a Movie nut. (We always have the best stuff to watch)
Drink beer at home only, not at the bar
I hated movies as a kid too!! Too long of a time to commit my attention to🤣 I’m learning to enjoy them more now though since watching movies are basically my partner’s love language
Stuff does not equal = 'I am a good parent'. Lovely to see Kaden 💜🙏🤗🇮🇪☘️💚
I am a single Mom of 4, they all learned to do their own wash, and clean their own rooms, and help around the house. I told them I don't want their significant other coming to me telling you don't know how to do something. They all lend a hand in cooking as well. I do lots of things in this video, Love watching them. I also got your card! That meant a lot for a hand written note! Thank you for doing what you do!!! love it!!!
You can wash towel everyday if you have yeast infection, skin candida, cellulitis, or vaginiosis. Maybe for other reasons too.
I'm not a single parent but I educate my kids on money. I follow Dave Ramsey. My 7 yr old gets money for his chores and he can choose to buy save or give. I let him know the value of each one. Also he can't buy unless he gets rid of his old toy or give or donate a toy.
Lol my son HATES movies 😆
Thank you 👍
To help keep my food budget under control I stopped buying snack food when my kids were very little. I now have three sons that are 17, 15, and 12, they eat a lot but they eat fruit or leftovers or have a sandwich instead of snack food which is expensive and really gives them no nutrients and doesn't help fill them up. It has worked great!
Yep kate me too. 3-4 towel uses then to laundry. Not just 1 use.
Shout out to Buns & Mr. Hannon💖💖💖