SIMPLIFY TO THRIVE COURSE | A step-by-step approach to simplifying your life — get to know yourself on a deeper level, …
Thomas Sommer
As a father of 2 wonderful girls, Thomas knows about the benefits and challenges of raising children in the modern world. He wants to share about his way of giving love and care and taking responsability of being good parents.
Great Video! ✨
I have lots of Newborn Baby tips on my channel & I really enjoyed this video!
Thanks for making this video & I just subbed! 👶
You're a great mom, God bless❤
this video is everything 🥺 !! Ive been struggling SO hard today with the anxiety of everything thats changing… so much fear mongering online about what to do/not to do, being a good mom etc..i just want to be a good mom and be relaxed 🥺
Thank you for this video. You sound like a sweet person.
I'm scared I'm gonna be a bad mom because of my mental illness…
Thank you so much for this video ❤ I’m 13 weeks and this is my first little one, so much going through my mind and this helps a TON !! 😊
17 weeks pregnant. Only 19 years old and newly married. My husband and I got married and chose to have kids right away knowing that we were absolutely not ready for it but that no one ever really is ready and you just have to dive in and do it. People tried to say everything they could to scare us out of getting married and to scare us out of having kids this young, but we’ve found that marriage truly is the most beautiful and joyful thing, and I’m sure having a baby will end up being just as wonderful. I’m so excited for this little one!!
I love this, thank you! It took us two years to get pregnant and we’re so excited but everyone has been giving their opinion and some comments do sound scary! And I’ve been an infant nanny for years so definitely know more about infants than others, and still feel unprepared. Thanks for the tips!
Thumbs down cause smelling laundry detergent, perfume or a plug in scent does not cause ADHD. I can understand the skin irritation but ADHD? Absolutely not.
This video was so helpful and calmed some of my nerves 💗
Thanks for your video. You really help me.
Im a 21 years old boy and i actually learned alot from this video, im gonna be a parent one day and i want to be the best i could get for my children, so thanks alot for ur tips❤
Thank you x
I gotta say, there are some not great takes here. I’ve heard people give advice to not buy newborn clothes, unless they measure your baby at 9lbs or more prior to birth, you should get at least some newborn clothes just in case. If I hadn’t bought any newborn sizes, my baby would have been swimming in the 0-3 month size things. She is currently a month old and can still fit into quite a few newborn things and she’s roughly 9 lbs now, she was 7.5 lbs at birth. Also it really is not instinctual for every mom to care for a newborn. The only reason I knew what to do is because I had a little brother born when I was 9 that I had to care for a lot, many people have to be shown what to do. Even breastfeeding isn’t instinctual, we have lactation consultants for a reason. I do like the advice to not stress when other people say things and to be honest about how you feel though. A good tip for me wasn’t nursing bras, it was nursing camisoles. The camisoles have more coverage so you feel less exposed while feeding. You can’t run in them, they don’t offer that much stability, but there is enough support to keep them where they are supposed to be; my breasts were a size G before I was pregnant. Good luck mamas!
“You’re never going to get any sleep again” and “you think you’re tired now, just wait” is all I hear all day every day and it’s honestly so heartbreaking. My husband and I have dreams to continue camping and traveling and everyone makes it seem like we can’t have that life anymore and I just refuse. Our daughter is half of each of us, right? So why shouldn’t she be involved in everything we do, too? My sister didn’t take drives further than two hours away until her kid was 5 years old. While my husband and I are moving across the world when our daughter will be 4 months. (Military)
I just refuse to let these remarks rule our lives.
I'm over here super emotional and teary-eyed because this video was such a blessing to me. I'm about to go into my third month of pregnancy and I literally know nothing about it and don't have much support. But you are such a light! May God bless you, and encounter you. I pray that if you don't know Jesus, that you come to know him in such a real way. He created you beautifully, thank you so much for all of your help!
Hi! ❤️ I'm currently a week away from my due date and have been having a bit of anxiety about post pregnancy and this really just reassured me to cut out all the negative comments and remain positive. I know motherhood isn't easy, but it really peeved me when my aunts made it sound like the worst thing that could ever happen, to my life and relationship. If anything, i am so excited to be a mom and me and my partner who are already so close knit, have become even closer…i love my bundle of joy so much and the sleepless nights, exhaustion and painful boobs will be worth it and i wouldn't trade it for anything
This is one of my favorite videos I have watched in my entire pregnancy, and I have watched so many haha. Everything you said, and the way you speak is so calming and true. Thank you so much!!! This video I’m saving to watch over and over.
Congratulations for your second little one on the way.
I had my first baby almost 2 months ago now and am still in the learning curve of accepting that family and friends are genuinely happy to help.
I feel the need to do as much s I can myself, accepting that help tho builds relationships.
Letting people hold my baby too for the first few weeks was so hard, i didn't want to be one of those overprotective mums tho so made myself accept others hold her and I'm so glad I did too
Trusting your mum instinct is so on point too and needed, all we want as mums is to do the best for our child and trusting our Instinkt is like an inbuilt internal GPS it's such an uplifting feeling, makes you feel more trust in yourself I find, so empowering
❤❤❤Thank you so so much!!!
Motherhood is what you make it 😂. Umm, no. That's not how reality works
Such a positive video! Thank you
No don't let your hubby help 😂
My blog for all my fellow parents…
Can you speak more about the night schedule? You said about putting baby to sleep late and him sleeping through the night!
Great tips 🙂
So glad I found your channel ❤
I’m pregnant w my first and god freaking bless you for these videos😭😭
currently 38 weeks pregnant and i found your video this is so calming brought me away from pressure and anxiety
Don't drop me.
This is amazing girl!
Hi! I actually just had my 1st kid, via having more intercourse in life. I am currently 19, living in an apartment with a daughter. Life can get hard with her, i try more and more raising her. A tip for being a young mom, stay calm and try your best and try to be there with positive intentions.❤
Thank you for sharing Margaret!
I am 10 week and so excited to be a mother and watch my fiance become a dad! I am also nervous that I'll let my pride get in the way of people helping me but thats something I want to work on. Thanks for the video (-:
I'm currently 6 days out from my due date and still have no idea what I'm doing 😆
The negative comments are doing my head in, motherhood is supposed to be a good experience and a new step in your life ❤
I love my sleep, and will be taking advantage of any moments to nap
Luckily my husband has more instincts to care for a child than anyone else I know 😂