If I could give all new parents any advice, these are the top 14 tips I would give them. These will help massively with your …
Thomas Sommer
As a father of 2 wonderful girls, Thomas knows about the benefits and challenges of raising children in the modern world. He wants to share about his way of giving love and care and taking responsability of being good parents.
Thanks for watching! Which tip surprised you? If you want more information on Play, Develop, Thrive click on this link: https://brightestbeginning.com/courses/play-develop-thrive/
yeah, baths aren't necessary at all, my baby hates it she has had 5 baths since she was born and she's almost 2 months old. Last bath lasted for 5 minutes before she started fussing, yet everything was fine (temperature etc). I clean her with baby wipes from time to time – but they shouldn't be too cold or she fusses too, so I rub them through my clean hands so they warm up a little
In regard to the car seat, mine comes out and clicks onto the pram, should I get a bassinet pram for increased safety? She is never unsupervised in the pram/car seat.
I’m a month in, I wish I’d known how noisy she was gonna be! I spend the first 48 hours in hospital not sleeping because I was so on guard and alert to all her sounds
My baby 2weeks old and the crying is unbearable. Feels like he's in pains bt I just got to know it normal
See, at our ante Nadal class, they told us swaddling is a no no and also we found my son didn't like having his arms restricted. So we tuck the blanket under his torso, keeping his arms free
My husband tried tummy time with baby on his chest, and immediately got a huge spit up right in his mouth XD. Was quite a funny surprise!
We started the swaddle at 3 weeks and FINALLY got him sleeping for two hours at a time
What a great channel. My babies are men now but I would have loved to have access to an informative channel like this when they were little.
its 4:30 am and im sitting up with my little burrito. LOVE THESE VIDEOS
thank you so much
Dear Emma, many if your advices are really great! Thank you!
Please check out this woman Phillipa Murphy with Baby Cues. I am currently raising a second newborn with her advice, it is life changing. I wish I found her, when we were exhausted emotionally and physically with our first newborn.
I've heard that infants should not be seated before 6 month old. Does it mean baby carriers are for 6 month plus?
Nursing in those same situations has all of the benefits of the pacifier and none of the drawbacks (bacteria, dental issues, etc). Pacifier is a legitimate parenting choice for sure, but breastfeeding also solves all of those problems.
Congratulations on your new journey! Becoming a mother in your 30s can be a unique and empowering experience. Many women are now delaying motherhood until their 30s and beyond, and it's becoming increasingly common.
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– Possibly less energy and physical stamina compared to younger mothers
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I thought pacifier wasn't ideal for babies because of teeth growing wrong and some difficulties it may cause on sucking breasts. There wasn't a study for that?
congrats on those having babies
I am expecting my third. 3 in 4 years 😂
Wow. This is amazing. Every new parent should watch! Especially the part about the bouncers and rockers etc but honestly the whole video is a wonderful crash course for new parents.
Amazing video ! Thanks a lot for such useful information !❤
Great video
Whats the limit on car sleep?
These tips were very helpful! Thank you ❤
Hey there! So, I'm a new dad and I'm kind of trying to figure out this whole baby thing. My 3-week-old daughter is giving me a run for my money, especially when it comes to her crying and squirming in her bassinet. Swaddling seems to be a big no-no for her, as she constantly fights to break free and ends up crying even more. I wonder if it's because she's in REM sleep? Can you tell me what signs to look out for to know if she's crying because she actually needs something? Should I give her a little time to see if she settles down and goes back to sleep? Appreciate any advice!
Shout out to all the fellow new dads who have no idea what they are doing!
Wow, I didn't know that pacifiers are useful like that! That might sound stupid, but I've kind of always thought that people who give their babies pacifiers just want to shut them up, and it must not be very good for them. (I'm young and don't have kids, I don't really know these things yet) I'm glad to learn that it's a useful self-soothing tool that's actually fine for them.
Really nervous about purple crying phase!
I have a 2 weeks old! I was so worried about her not burping! All this helpful
Im a physician and my daughter was born 7 days ago and this is very helpful
for number 6 sounds like colic; our daughter had colic for 10 MONTHS and she could cry for up to 22 hours 🥲
Thank you
Emma, your videos are always so informative without being overwhelming!
Thank you so much for this phenomenal video, and superb summary of critical things to watch for! Really appreciate it. Our baby's birth is just around the corner and your channel helps us so much feeling much more prepared! Thank you.
Watching this but I don’t even have kids
My newborn (2 weeks old) likes to be burped and fusses if I don't burp him. He always settles down and will often fall asleep when I'm burping him.
Where i live, a baby crying for longer then 2 hours non stop is a trip to the hospital! A baby crying for 5 hours is considered neglect
My newborn is almost completely silent when he sleeps?